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Showing posts with the label resources

How SIOP Meets the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

Students in my SIOP English II class overcoming their shyness and presenting in front of the class How SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Meets the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards What Is SIOP? SIOP is a research-based instructional model originally designed for English Language Learners (ELLs), though as is true with most differentiation, this model is a good instructional model for any student. North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and How SIOP Aligns Standard I:     Leadership in the Classroom   Promotes Collaboration. Encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning. Advocates for students. Standard II:  Respectful Environment for Diverse Students Has high expectations for all students. Collaborates with specialists to meet the special needs of all students. Creates a flexible, supportive learning environment. Capitalizes on diversity. Adapts teaching using researc...

Write Your Children's Book or An Easy Reader for Older, Struggling Readers

My high interest low vocabulary book, Cars! made at Tar Heel Reader High Interest, Low Vocabulary Books for Older Struggling Readers When young children are learning to read they do so using books that are at their instructional level--books they can read independently with little help from others.  These books are designed to capture the readers' interest and they are written using appropriate vocabulary. What happens, however, if you don't learn to read as quickly as those around you? You could find yourself a high school student (or beyond) struggling with basic reading.  If so, you will quickly realize that the books at your instructional reading level could very well be too childish for you.  What is the solution?  High interest, low vocabulary books or books designed to keep an older person's interest while still being written at a level that makes word identification easier and making meaning more accessible.   Where can these high in...