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Showing posts with the label courage

Reading Response to Palmer’s The Courage to Teach: My Mentor

Reading Response to Palmer’s The Courage to Teach I had plenty of courage my first year teaching in 2001--pictured here, I am wearing my Spirit Week Tacky Day attire! My Mentor:   Mrs. Dr. Eggers “The best gift we receive from great mentors is not their knowledge or their approval or their approach to teaching but the sense of self they evoke within us.”             Dr. Eggers is prim and proper, a short elfin woman with pixie hair and the quiet capacity to intimidate even the biggest football player, the toughest “tough” guy.   Most vividly, I recall her classy demeanor, the way she carried herself with such self-respect; therefore both demanding it from and giving it to others.   She came off as superiorly intelligent, but she didn’t brag about her intellect.   But she wasn’t squeaky clean, either.   She was quirky—always wearing big chunky jewelry from the many interesting places she’d vis...