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Showing posts with the label eating disorders

Education, Weight Loss, and Poetry (Not Necessarily In That Order)

Weight Loss I n the past couple of years, I have lost just at one hundred pounds.  It wasn't hard once I started to see results; due to a variety of medical issues, seeing results was an arduous process.  However, I finally found a diet that stuck, and that was a lifestyle change!  I just started moving my body more (no easy feat since I was overcoming being wheelchair bound and back surgery amongst other ailments), and the weight began to melt off.  I give you this background so that you will understand the pivotal importance weight has always played in my life.   Poetry Below is a poem I wrote on this weighty matter of weight loss, about how women starve themselves to fit the stereotypical "one size" mold that has prevailed for so long in recent years.  I wrote this poem my freshman year of college.  Because I attended Appalachian State University, I did not gain the freshmen 15.  Instead, I lost weight.  I was carrying a heavy book ...