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Where Will You Take Life?

Success! Where will you take life?  We take life beyond “normal” limits, sky high, sky life.  The sky is NOT our limit for we have NO limit.  You have NO limits, except for those that you allow to exist.  Remove your mental obstacles.  Train your mind and your body.  Push to be your best you —one more lap, one more mile, one more rep.  Through the doubts and fear, we train.              We are all capable of what we can imagine—what we can imagine, we can do.  We let our imaginations soar .  Where will yours take you?  It’s true, life happens.  Don’t let it happen to you.  Stop saying, “I can’t imagine,” and start saying, “I can.”  Or better yet, visualize.  Visualize success.  We do before each and every jump.  Stop visualizing defeat.              We train to be our best.  It’s tough sometimes.  Life is stressful.  Everyday tasks can take priority and then you falter, find excuses not to train, not to push through. NO EXCUSES!             You are the
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Unlocking Creativity through Digital Magnetic Poetry

  Unlocking Creativity through Digital Magnetic Poetry Starting with a blank page is often considered the hardest part of writing. The vast emptiness of the screen can be intimidating, making it difficult to know where to begin. However, this initial challenge can also be a powerful catalyst for creativity. Digital magnetic poetry turns this daunting blank page into a playground of words, inspiring creativity and transforming word play into an engaging and fun activity. The Magic of Digital Magnetic Poetry Digital magnetic poetry is an online adaptation of the classic magnetic poetry sets that many of us have enjoyed on our refrigerators. Instead of physical magnets, these digital versions offer a virtual canvas where users can drag and drop words to create poems, stories, and playful word arrangements. This tool provides a unique opportunity to explore language in a hands-on way, making it perfect for writers, students, and anyone looking to unleash their inner poet. Inspiring Creativ

Decoding the Babble: Navigating the Educational Jargon Jungle Top Ten +1 Phrases Decoded with a Wink and a Smile

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Unlocking Creative Brilliance with Digital Magnetic Poetry: Teach Syntax, Diction, and Tone

Originally published 1/14/2009.  Updated 11/4/2023 The possibilities are infinite--ish when you use online magnets to get creative. No refrigerator necessary. Free online kits here . Poetry, with its mesmerizing ability to encapsulate emotions, stories, and ideas within the boundaries of words, is a true art form. But there's a particular type of poetry that holds a special place in my heart—the kind that challenges our traditional understanding of language and syntax. I'm talking about magnetic poetry, the quirky, wordplay-filled realm where creativity knows no bounds. I love this type of poetry! It really makes me think in a different syntax, playing with a strange juxtaposition of words. Often, I use this format when I am bored or if I have NO IDEA what I want to write about! The beauty of magnetic poetry lies in its simplicity and boundless potential for creativity. It's an art form where words become movable puzzle pieces, waiting to be rearranged into poetic masterpi

Movement in the English Language Arts Classroom: Engaging Learners through Pedagogical Magic

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Discovering the Magic of Language: Fostering a Love for Words Through Creative Exploration

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Making the Standards Explicit: North Carolina Standard Course of Study English II Guided Notes, Graphic Organizers

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Crafting Your Writing for Specific Audiences: A Mini Lesson Rhetorical Analysis Author's Choice

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Found Poetry--Creative Summative Assessment

we heart found poetry (word cloud made using wordart ). At the end of a unit in my high school English class, I have students create and present thematic found poetry.  I am sure you can vary this activity in numerous ways; I look forward to you sharing your implementation/ideas with me and other readers.  Recently, I have been using found poems in the following ways: 1.  Near the first day of class, I introduce the concept of found or cut up poetry by using a sample text we have read together in class (can be a shortish excerpt or excerpt(s) chosen for this purpose).  Students are told to write down interesting words and phrases that they hear/see (depending on the modality in which you present the information) with the understanding that these words will later be used to write a thematic poem on the work that was read.  They are to record a minimum of 25 words and phrases, and I am sure to encourage them to write down at least 10 phrases.  Then, I go around the room and get